Welcome and Keynote Presentations

Recorded On: 09/23/2020

September Virtual Event: Preparing for the Future Nationally and Regionally, kicks off with a welcome and opening address from NASBP First Vice President Tracy Tucker and features two keynote sessions. The first keynote session titled, Chapters 7, 11, and 13 are not Just for Books: Understanding Bankruptcy as a Surety Professional will be presentation by Alana Porrazzo and associate with Jennings, Haug & Cunningham, LLP and Chad Schexnayder a Partner with Jennings, Haug & Cunningham, LLP and moderated by NASBP Second Vice President Nick Newton. This exciting session will be followed but a short 10-minute break with messages from our sponsors and followed buy our second keynote session titled, Unmasking Post-COVID Economic Conditions and will be presented by renowned economist, professor and President and CEO of the SW Graduate School of Banking FoundationS. Scott MacDonald and moderated by NASBP Third Vice President Patrick Pribyl.


Welcome And Opening Keynote Presentation - "Chapters 7, 11, And 13 Are Not Just For Books: Understanding Bankruptcy As A Surety Professional"
Recorded 09/23/2020
Recorded 09/23/2020
Keynote Presentation: "Unmasking Post-COVID Economic Conditions"
Recorded 09/23/2020
Recorded 09/23/2020
3 Questions