AI - Practical Considerations in Construction and Accounting

Artificial Intelligence (AI) presents opportunities for every industry. Embracing the speed of change can feel overwhelming, but in this NASBP Virtual Seminar, Ryan Merryman, principal on the digital practice team at CLA, will introduce us to the potential of artificial intelligence in construction and accounting. His presentation will include real-world examples from the construction industry and will focus on practical applications for accounting and business intelligence-supported decision-making. Touching on topics such as generative AI, AP automation, advanced analytics, along with the basics of digital architecture. 

Ryan Merryman


CliftonLarsonAllen LLP

Ryan is a principal on the digital practice team and isbased in California. He is an experienced financial consultant specializing inbusiness analytics and digital transformation. Ryan is backgrounded in fraudand misconduct investigations, forensic data analysis, litigation consulting,and fraud risk management. He is a Certified Public Accountant, Certified inFinancial Forensics, Certified Information Technology Professional and a CertifiedFraud Examiner.

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AI - Practical Considerations in Construction and Accounting
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