Public Bonding Kit

Public Bonding Kit

A Resource Kit to Promote the Benefits of Bonding to Public Entities

Under the aegis of the NASBP Commercial Bonding Committee, this tool kit has been created to help surety professionals explain the function and necessity of bonding to local, or state employees, elected officials, and any other person responsible for spending taxpayer dollars on behalf of the public. It is our goal to assist clients and potential obligees in making wise decisions about bonding projects where taxpayer money is involved. Items in the resource kit:


Surety Safeguards Third Party Vendor Contracts (flyer):
Open to download resource.
Open to download resource. This one-pager presents an overview of the what, why, and how of surety bonds and their role in protecting taxpayer dollars. It’s a brief, compelling message on the reasons bonding should be considered when public funds are spent.
Surety Bonding for Public Entity Outsourcing (white paper)
Open to download resource.
Open to download resource. This document provides in-depth information about surety bonds. It is designed to educate stakeholders about the benefits of outsourcing as a tool to contain costs, improve services, and streamline the management of public infrastructure.
The Surety Safeguard for Third Party Vendor Contracts: How Surety Bonds Protect Taxpayer Dollars (brochure)
Open to download resource.
Open to download resource. Distribute this insightful and information-packed piece to help officials and others understand clearly the reasons behind, and the function of, bonding.
Protection for Third Party Vendor Contracts: Surety Bonds for Public Entities (PowerPoint presentation)
Open to download resource.
Open to download resource. When you have the opportunity to give a live presentation, here is a tool for you to adopt or adapt according to the needs of your audience. There are presenter notes to help you prepare your explanation of the why, what, and how of surety bonds.
Performance Bond (sample)
Open to download resource.
Open to download resource. A sample performance bond.
Performance Guarantee Key Language (sample)
Open to download resource.
Open to download resource. Bond requirement language for inclusion in contracts.